
Quick Tips

This topic contains the following Quick Tips for OXI:

Automatic Log-off

OXI and OXI_HUB interfaces have automatic log-off capability. In OPERA there is a Generic Setting called SESSION TIME OUT. (Setup > Application Settings > GENERAL > Settings) When it is set to 'Null' then there will never be an auto log-off for system users. When it is set to value '1-99' it will disconnect any logged in user when the application has been inactive or idle for that amount of time. There is a built in of 5 minutes when the parameter is being used.

Example: When SESSION TIME OUT is = 10, then the built in 5 minute interval plus the 10 minute value will = 15 minutes. So that when the application has been inactive/idle for 15 minutes then a Re-login screen will greet any user upon return.


Quick Keys

F7 Key. Will set a specific OXI screen you want to always see upon login.

F8 Key. Will log out the current system user so that another can login.

Hot Keys

TAB + ALT. Using the Tab and Alt key together will allow you to switch/toggle between open applications on your desktop. This is great if you have more than one OPERA application open, such as OXI and your PMS.

ALT + (underscored letter). Will allow you to keyboard navigate round the application. Where you find an underscored character (A) you will be able to use these keys to get there or apply a function.

ALT + (numeric). Will allow you to keyboard navigate through OXI Tabs on a screen. Where you find (1-9), usually before a word, use the ALT key and the number and you will see your screen update. (Examples below where you find them the most.)

Screen Tips

Double Click. Where to use?

In OXI's Message Status screens. When you are working in the Message Status screens and you want to see the message that you are working on without using the Show XML tab. Highlight the message and Double Click, the message and all applicable Errors and or Warnings that it may have will open in a new screen for you to review all at one time. If you have the Optional Warnings on your screen to see those warnings included you must have it checked active.

Search Engine. Use various combinations of the fields to narrow down data. Instead of looking at all information at one time. Select Search button when ready.

Purge. Use Purge with the Search engine filters to only delete what you have searched for. Or you can select specific messages, mark with X, and then only delete those particular messages.

Reviewed. Use when messages have been looked over and no longer require attention. Mark with X, and click Reviewed button and upon your next refresh of information it will be hidden from view. To see all reviewed message in another refresh, check the Include Reviewed parameter in the Search filter area.

Sort. The Message Status screen can be sorted by double-clicking on a particular column.

MSG ID. Since OXI stores the original external system ID for incoming and outgoing messages, you can easily find out which OXI result belongs to which incoming message: compare the Msg Id from the MESSAGES FROM EXTERNAL SYSTEM with the Msg ID on the MESSAGES TO EXTERNAL SYSTEM. When you have a match, as these are the same.

Services and Processors

For OXI interface:

The Start/Stop Processor is located under Interface Status > Start/Stop Processor.

The Services that generate status for the Start/Stop Processor are located on the Database Server.

For OXI_HUB interface:

The OXI_HUB interface does not carry Start/Stop Processor as our OXI interfaces do. Instead this is handled by the Queue Manager [ORS].

Internal Status for Processors:

Troubleshooting actual status of Interface Monitor, has been enhanced to assist any end user at a glance. OXI_HUB Interface Monitor replaces the older Central Interface Monitor application. Go to OXI_HUB and login. Path to Interface Status > Interface Monitor.

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